About Me

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Dallas, Texas, United States
Welcome to The $100 Dollar Haircut.com. For the last 6 yrs I've had the opportunity to be the personal barber to several high profiles and pro athletes. I want to teach you how I did it and what it takes to become a $100.00 Haircut Barber.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What is your mindset?

What does mindset mean?
Mindset- a fixed attitude formed by experience, education, and prejudice.

It starts and ends with YOUR mindset!

The 1st thing to know is the three A’s

·        Attitude- Having a open mind and stay willing to change and continuing learning.
·        Atmosphere- Getting in the right environment that promotes the right attitude.
·        Altitude- Is the end result of your attitude and atmosphere

Everything starts and ends with your mindset.   Meaning YOU!

Monday, January 23, 2012

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